today is saturday; I will not have an internet connection any more in 3 days (aug 31st) as we’re moving to the south of France on sep. 2nd.
The house is a mess, boxes all over the place, the only things still standing are TV and comp’ (untill the very last minute ), but I guess I’ll pack the whole stuff on Monday, so I guess it’ll be at least 2 weeks before I’m back on the Net (time to get a new phone, then apparently it’d take 10-15 days to get DSL etc… and much other stuff to take care of before I’ll worry about that…).
So wanted to wish you all all the best, and hope to see you asap!
I’ll drop by from time to time in the next 2-3 days, then I’ll be outta touch.
c ya
Oh! the humanity! 2 weeks? Thats rough! :!:
Good luck with the move :beam:
Good luck with the move eyez. My parents and I moved a few months ago also, but luckily, I kept a free 6-months of AOL CD. So I was pretty much able to connect from anywhere that had a phone-line using my laptop
AOL CD :sure: kind of like how Im connected at work.
SPEAKING of which, my work is relocating to accross the street where we should be able to get cable (yay work - which I hadn’t quit yet [size=1](that will probably happen in january)[/size]).
Though a work move isnt a home move, its a move and I feel that applies somehow
AOL really isn’t that bad considering that they have a dial-in location pretty much everywhere. Though, I wouldn’t trade my high speed connection for anything though
Have you decided on where you are interested in working next sen?
That is the plus of AOL. Likewise I was able to get online at the beach out on the outer banks in NC from my home dialup provider (Juno) as they too have numbers out the ying yang.
As for work… I don’t know if I’m cut out for that yet. Im going to take 4 or so years off from work and see where that takes me
Sen, 4 years…? wow! Won in the lottery.?
I’ll be unemployed where we move to, because my wife got transfered there, but I haven’t found a new job yet… hope I’ll find something a bit faster’n 4 years…
And I may find my old modem somewhere, but I really don’t want to install AOL, as I read it hijacks your browser and is very hard to get rid of, is that right, K ?
I haven’t had that problem eyez. I don’t use the AOL browser for surfing the web. I minimize the AOL application and use whichever browser I like. With the exception of a few Join AOL bookmarks, my browsers have all been unaffected
sen - are you planning on going back to college again?
Yeah, AOL shouldn’t really hijack anything (aside from some reality on your hard drive in many many places to store icons and shortcuts) - like kirupa said. When I used it, I too just minimized it and ran another browser. It does use IE, but internally. It doesnt change IE itself; just uses its rendering engine to display pages.
Kirupa -
You are going to poke me in the eye? Sen…that is so cruel. I need my one eye to see from I may have to call PETA…People for the Ethical Treatment of Asians…on you
sorry, I have bad aim. I was aiming for your shoes (I thought your shoe laces were untied). wheeeeeeeeeeew, way off. No need to sick PETA on me :ne:
Ouch Eyez! 2 weeks is a long time for sure!
Who knows - now you will have time to explore around the new town/city instead of surfing the net, think of htis as a cleansing experince.
Good luck finding work too! Not to sure how the French Econ. is but if its like the US :hangover:
good luck with the move bud.
see you in 2 week and be sure to tell us all about your new place.
2 weeks min. ! I 1st need a new phone before I can get DSL, and NOONE!! works in France in August, it’s the main holliday month, Paris is like a ghosttown appart from the tourists, just spoke to a friend who ordered a mobile phone for his wife 3 weeks ago where it said 48hrs delivery and is still waiting for it… so I guess it will more likely be something like 3-4 weeks…
But as you say, mdipi, gives me time to check out the town and surroundings, maybe get to know a few pple etc… better to look for work than hang out here, lol. Will miss you guys & gals tho’
ah you’ll be back in no time And you’re right, you should be out looking for a job then anyway. Get yourself a nice cushy desk job with a high-speed internet connection and a ripping computer that requires you to do like an hours worth of real work a day (thereby letting you goof off here the rest of the day ;))
What’s the associated job title…? Not Flash developper, I guess
Ever since e-mail, cell phones and time zones, it has become harder for my dad to pull away from his work just because it follows him everywhere :-/ Blasted technology.
You need to come up with your own job description eyez. Something along the lines of Chief Aesthetic Optimization Officer. You can’t lose
Btw, here’s a map of where I’m gonna end up:
(notice that it’s Flash, and you got a zoom on the left…).
It’s about 20mins from a big lake, 1h from the ski lifts, and 2 hrs from the mediterranean… should I stay indoors…?
oooo, can your wife make enough money alone support you? =) Looks like its time to play