Good Vector Resources?

Does anyone have any resource websites with good Vector Art? I’ve seen them online, usually in someones portfolio, but I can’t think of any good ones.

Anyone? :smirk:

started a new thread for you instead hijacking someone elses thread. It’ll get more attention this way, w/ a relevant title anywho.


check out - they have loads of really nice vecor designs


Thank you…

And I’ll check out Istockphoto

Here is more of the style that i’m looking for…

I am not sure if there is a specific name for this style, or not. Does anyone have websites of artists that do this kind of work, or even tutorials would be fine.

bump… still looking for resources (-:

fasterthanlight does some nice vector stuff IMO. I swear he did a tut once…

He floats around the forums, maybe he’ll pick up this thread or give him a PM

i don’t know if you’ll really find some great resources. Most of them are created by tracing an image or just creating them as if they were being drawn. The best resource I can think of is…

His stuff is real nice. That is kind of the style i’m looking for. I’lll search for a tutorial… is there a name for that kind of style?