I want to learn vetor art!

vector arts sooo cool :smiley: i want to learn !!! does anyone good at vector art or know any tutorial sites?

Kitiara did a great line art tutorial on this site that would give you a good start, here is the link.



a great tut from the maker of Anti-Cub. this is for PS7

vector art in ps7? :geek: i read a thread somewhere it is possible…

True vector images maintain image quality even after being rescaled in the program. While that tutorial makes it look vector, if you rescale it in PS to a larger size, it will break up and start to pixelate.

ya i thought vector art was just drawing over the real picture make it look like a clip art or whatever you call it :wink: but it’s really hard to do it on photoshop, wish i had a wacom, my friend told me Freehand works good with vector arts so i downloaded trial version, i got few more days left to learn this !! ahhh!!

Yeah most of my vector art was done by tracing over images of the real thing. I worked with freehand for a while, but I like Illustrator more since I’m use to it.

oh and electrongeek, isnt your digital supra a vector art? is that how you did those ?

interesting… i have illustrator but i never use it… donno y but never got friendly with it :smiley: but what tool in illustrator did you use to trace it ? i mean it’s a pain in the butt with Photoshop, especially when it comes to round parts

*Originally posted by calaway42 *
**oh and electrongeek, isnt your digital supra a vector art? is that how you did those ? **

Yup, all my vector art was just basically tracing over images of the real thing in Illustrator. I just zoomed in super close to the real image and traced out each piece. I used mostly the pen tool to trace and I used the gradient mesh tool to add the detail like highlights.

ic…ya im really excited to learn more about vector arts, i want to vector art cars, like you did with supra(that one was nice one) :stuck_out_tongue: im gonna try with eclipse gsx tomorrow and i will post it up here so i can get comments from an expert (u :D)

hahah it’s not that hard, just take an image of the car and zoom in super close to it and trace each piece out. It’s really time consuming, but the end result is rewarding. If I wasn’t so lazy, I would probably do some more, but just thinking about it kills it for me. :smirk:

what you think is more time consuming…that zoom technique or pixel art…

pixel art, that stuff takes a lot of patience.

imo it’s really not worth doing much vector art unless you’re actually making it vector (i.e not PS) because as stated before, you really do lose all the zoomability, and i think it even looks a bit different… add to that the fact you don’t have as much gradient control, and can’t do things like blends…
i think it’s also more difficult to quickly change color schemes with non-vector line art

just some random thoughts


take a look at www.microbians.com I love their vector arts!!!

Microbians is only one guy, and I believe he does his vector art in Flash.

really? vector art in flash? guess i will try that :smiley:

Vector art could me made in a number of programs…Illustrator, Freehand, Flash, and Fireworks are the ones I’m aware of.

Yes it can :slight_smile:

And yes in Flash, Flash is vector based. I believe I remember reading somewhere that he did all his work in Flash, not sure where though.