please no one msg me email me or anything like that.
my life is ****ed and bascially over and my name is ruined here.
i will one day return hopefully.
sry and goodbye.
and screw you sen for the stupid comment your going to make.
somehow i do have a sense of humor.
and im sorry k i really am.
and just so you know i spoke to sheep and he understands my horrific life right now. ihope he deletes his post so people dont get a bad name on job seekers.
for those that dont know whats going on, here’s the msg i posted in the mod forum.
So at this point im sure everyone is tired of seeing these types of threads, and for this I do appoligize.
But at this point I have nothing else, so unfortunatly I am going to say what I have to say here and I’m sorry if people look at me differently.
My life has been a real mess lately. Bottom line is, I can’t get my head clear. A ton of things are on my mind 24/7.
Work: I’ve been jumping from job to job, which i can’t complain because I’m getting a ton of experience. But it’s stressful. Everytime I learn where the bathroom is I find out its my last week and on to the next job.
Ex: For the past 3 months, I’ve been letting my exgrilfriend drive me insane. Basically she really did me wrong, in ways that I can’t even type. But through it all I still love her so much. We talk we hang out, but she is with some other dude, and it kills me. I know I should just leave her alone, but at this point she’s bascially all I got, and I really do need her. So i’ve been suffering with this because I’d rather have a part of her then not have her at all.
Meet another girl you say? Yea well been there done that, and when it comes down to it, she’s the only one i want.
Law: Well, I got arrested last weekend. Because I am so stressed out and because of the way I feel, I’m like a ticking time bomb. So to make a long story short someone said something real stupid to me, and I flipped. So now I have to go to court on March 3rd. I know nothing real bad is going to happen to me, but I know probation and fines will be set.
Drugs: Well again, hope people aren’t going to look at me differently but here goes. I’ve always been a big fan of weed. Been smoking it for years. But now it seems like I am getting into other **** hoping it will make life better. I know it sounds so stupid, but I urge I no longer know what else to do. I’ve been popping xanex and sniffing a lot of coke over the past couple of weeks. On top of that I’m constantly smoking weed to try and ease the pain/my mind.
Family: The short story is my dad ditched me and my mom when i was about 2 months old. I’ve never spoken to him, nor have I ever even recieved a letter or card. For years I drove myself nuts as to why. I found out not too long ago that my father was actually dead. He was murdered 7 years ago. Of course this is a major road block that I can’t seem to pass. I don’t know how to feel about it. But there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about it.
Well I’m really sorry about this long thread. But I really don’t know what to do anymore. I’m starting to really think about crazy things, and I need help. Like professional help. I am actually shaking right now, and my body is numb.
I don’t know whether I should like check myself into a hospital or something but I’m really scared, and I’m not sure what I’m scared of. My friends are so wrapped up in there lives/girlfriends that they don’t help. And my family thinks I’m nuts.
This isn’t a cry for attention trust me, more of a cry for help.
and i did check myself into a hospital. they think im a serious danger to myself anf others.