I apologize

I’m sorry I’ve had one of the worst days of my entire life… can a mod please delete my thread about being drunk… I’m really sorry, everyone take care… I meant no harm and I truly love tihs community.

Sorry guys, just a bad low in my life.

there are many forums that regard to useless posts though google it :wink:

I thought it was funny. I was gonna post in it but it was closed :(. Hope everything works out for the best.

Mantra in life…


ahh sorry for whatever happened man, take it easy its not the end of the world, just be positive and i’d pray for you that everything turns up better from now on… :slight_smile:

I truly love all of you guys, and I am so happy that I have support here.

I lost my job, and I just moved into a new house…

If you guys know of any programming jobs, in southern california… please hit me up. I’m a very very knowledged programmer, and I’m in a very bad situation.

@Jasninder - Prayer is everything I need, and thank you so very much.

I’m sorry still I shouldn’t of come on here in my drunkeness :slight_smile:

Take Care, Friends.

I’m sure you can find one on monster.com. That’s where all the cool jobs are…

Never apologize for being drunk.
Unless you peed in someone’s fish tank. Then it’s ok to send a card.

:lol: :lol:

I actually laughed out loud… I never laugh out loud. :lol:

It’s ok man. Half of us are buzzed half the time we’re here anyway. So don’t worry. Just chill.

Everything’s gonna work out just fine. :wink:

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om my friend! :thumb:

LMAOROTFL!!! :lol:

I’m gonna make a siggy outta that right now! :lol:

hahaha you guys are way too funny :slight_smile: I’ve tried monster, I think I’m too young because I NEVER get replies

Take Care… thanks for lightening the mood


Too young? For a programming job?! You’re kidding?

Keep trying. :thumb:

Yo foodpk… I made and added the siggy to my list… Refresh the page enough times to see it! :lol: It’s still givin me laughs! :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha! Way cool! Pure winnership! :smiley:
Whenever I see a cue for pathetic attempts at comedy, I always do my best!

But your semi-self-diluted statement really made us all laugh man! :lol:

haha seriously