Google H4xor

cool !

how do you find all these “stuff” on google ?

Very carefully. :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s Phil, isn’t it? :slight_smile: Only he uses ph instead of f… :slight_smile:

Um, this was posted on the rahindeed forum: **Bloody leet. You know, reading this stuff reminds me of many a hangover. My head hasn’t hurt this much in years!

Why develop a new language anyway? (and i use the term very loosely) Whats wrong with the ones that have been in place for centurys? Our language systems are perfectly adequate and have been intelligently evolving since the birth of mankind. The fact that you guys feel the need to develop a completly new verbal-to-graphical enunciation is completly beyond my grasp. Are you total retards or what? Screw leet, im gonna use typical english thankyou very much, i will never bow down to your level anymore. I am above you, beyond you.

You guys are just highly devolved. If this is the future, then i weep for mankind. **

i found it amusing

I guess that person doesn’t have a sense of humor. :stuck_out_tongue: I find it amusing too. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**Um, this was posted on the rahindeed forum: **Bloody leet. You know, reading this stuff reminds me of many a hangover. My head hasn’t hurt this much in years!

Why develop a new language anyway? (and i use the term very loosely) Whats wrong with the ones that have been in place for centurys? Our language systems are perfectly adequate and have been intelligently evolving since the birth of mankind. The fact that you guys feel the need to develop a completly new verbal-to-graphical enunciation is completly beyond my grasp. Are you total retards or what? Screw leet, im gonna use typical english thankyou very much, i will never bow down to your level anymore. I am above you, beyond you.

You guys are just highly devolved. If this is the future, then i weep for mankind. **

i found it amusing **

These “ppl” wanna be leet that’s all so it just came out that a new langueage is being developed! He doesn’t ahve to speak it if he doesn’t want to! It’s not an official language or anything!


I kinda like it. :slight_smile: It takes me a while to decipher sometimes, but I’m getting the hang of it now. :slight_smile:

I think something like |<1714r4 ? My name, that is… I’m not sure if there’s a rplacement for ‘r’ and if so, what it is. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Syko *
**These “ppl” wanna be leet that’s all so it just came out that a new langueage is being developed! He doesn’t ahve to speak it if he doesn’t want to! It’s not an official language or anything! **

heh, true. A little over the top.

*Originally posted by RedGolgi *

also true :crazy:

Softcore 1337: 1 @m r37@rd3d

Hardcore 1337: | /|/| |)\37/|)|)3|)

Asphalt can speak 1337… The things he comes out with certainly confuse me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet one of us could make a little flash animation that converts normal text into 1337 speak :slight_smile:

I found that at school a few months back… it’s fun… they also have elmer fudd which is way more fun.

I hate l33t… it should die

hehe kirupa i will! it shouldnt be to hard right?

this is cool eg thanks!

omgosh! i found it in pig latin! hehehe

edit: bork bork bork:

elmer fudd: