Google Maps Reverse Geocoding API problem

I just stucked with Google Maps Reverse Geocoding API (
I have geolocation in lat and lon coordinates, and want to request some address detail to the location, thats why I want to use Google Maps API.

My code is the following:

public function getaddress(lat:Number,lon:Number):void{
		//Google Maps reverse geocode			
		var getVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
		getVars.q = lat+","+lon;
		getVars.output = "xml";
		getVars.sensor = "false"
		var uloader:URLLoader=new URLLoader()
		var apireq:URLRequest=new URLRequest("") = getVars;

In the response I get the following XML:

<kml xmlns=""><Response>

The 610 error means bad API key.

The strange thing that, if I write the request simply in a browser (using the same API key) I get normal response with data.

I use Flash CS4 and AIR. Any advice? Thanks in advance!