At the first frame of the movie, I have the action “stop”, so the movie will not go on, and stay in the first frame. Inside this frame, there is a movieclip, and inside this movieclip, I have a button.
When I click at the button, I want the main movie to go on and skip to frame 2. I’ve tried this actionscript inside the button:
Hi, I had a BIG pb trying to go to a scene from within a movieclip untill I found out that it is simply NOT POSSIBLE!
The onky workaround I came up with (and this works!) is to use a label in the goto.
But why bother with the scene anyway, all you want to do is go to the next frame, no?
actually, all you need to change is your gotoAndPlay. change it to this: gotoAndPlay(2); that’s all. you don’t need to specify the scene if it’s in the same one.