Got hurt

hey guys. i just wanted to tell you all that yesterday i flipped over the handel bars on a 1969 motor scooter (very cool thing btw). it is pretty much ok, a few scratches but thats all. i however hurt mr left hanf, i almost broke the knuckle, but thankfully there seemed nothing on the x-ray. i am seeing another dr. today and will find out exactly what it is, and with luck i should be back very soon. so if you dont see me thats why (btwi typed this one fingered of one hand :stuck_out_tongue: =) )



Its nice to see how you mentioned the damages to the bike before yourself :slight_smile:
good to see you didnt kill yourself :wink:

Don’t die dippy
and that’s an order

d00d w/o two typing hands i think i could! and yes sen, i even picked it up and put it on a neighbors lawn before looking at myself :beam: :stuck_out_tongue:

hey mdipi, where are you from?

ouch, that must of hurt.

glad you’re ok :trout:

*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**glad you’re ok :trout: **

lava just north of hartford ct

Heheh. Good job dippy.

Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Well, that’s a wive’s tale for cancer kids, but you know, it’s supposed to inspire.

tim, i learned a little i suposse. but i just got my xbox back from ms (read disc error) and cant play :frowning: i will let you kno when though

oh… man, I wish you were italian… I could make a funny…

anyways, sorry you got hurt man…

i am italian…dipietro…lol…

haha… ever heard of eddie izzard? He has a bit when he impressionates italians… he makes like he’s riding a little motorbike and says… “ciao”… you have to see it to find it funny…

hey dippy, you sent it away and it still ain’t working? What’s up with that?

How much did it cost you? Was it under warrantee?

I just brought mine back to walmart, I had 90 days. if the next one breaks, I’m just gonna say screw it give me my money and buy a used one. Less worry about wrecking it since it’s cheaper, eh. I really wanna get around to modding a box. There’s so much neat stuff you can do. Plus it’ll save me a crapload of money. I can’t afford another PC for my room, really… so this’d be just as good.

no you got it wrong, werks like a dream, i just cant play…but under a week =)

**fracture to middle finger, one week cast, few days to week taped. so thats it!

This is interesting mdipi, I just broke my finger today in my Lacrosse game. Luckly I was able to tape it up and finish the rest of the game!

Aislin: do you read 2600?

*Originally posted by Aislin *
** I really wanna get around to modding a box. There’s so much neat stuff you can do. Plus it’ll save me a crapload of money. I can’t afford another PC for my room, really… so this’d be just as good. **

Aislin, please don’t talk about modding a box here…



rev you change your footer everyday dont you