Ok. Im trying to learn flash, but using it via online tutorials and this website in conjunction with kirupa too. I have been trying for a while reading here and there, but I have not a single person to ask directly stuff so its hard me figuring stuff out and searching all over the place. I have some questions, and im sure you will know the answers no probs, but i just dont know the answers and im getting confused. They are not too long :o im just not too sure.
Didnt know where else to post, as its flash in general.
Many thanks in advanced.
Looking through various websites, I have read a lot of different arguments stating what is the best frame rate per sec, but im still confused, coz there are so many variations. I am currently using 21 frames per second, this is because there is a bug in flash player 7 that if you use anything within the region of 16 frames I think to 20 it plays it all at 16 frames per second. However some websites state that you should use around 60 in order to create smooth transitions, specially within tweening. So what do you guys recommend.?
I have designed something on flash, a holding screen for the moment, where it is viewed fine on all the PC’s I have used. However when I used a Mac the other week, the logo was displayed however the text was not. I want to target both PC and Mac users. This is more of a browser issue I think, so it works on IE4+, Firefox, Netscape, could it be that its not compatible with Safari?
Ive been coming across the shared library quite a lot, put all ur frequently used items into a shared library and use it throughout ur “project” to reduce file size. Is this good practice?,does it actually reduce a lot of file size? Pre-caching?
Obviously there are many ways of doing things, however I would like to get out of bad habits and learn how its more commonly done. Some sites are just linked swf,s, some are scened, some use a combination, and some use layers. Is it best to use layers, in order to load the selected content, so using many SWF files to reduce the downloads and increase speed.?? So would a master SWF were everything loads into a good idea.?
This is one that majorly confuses me and I have no idea about. Many of the things you can do on flash can be visually drawing it, or creating it via actionscipt. I.e for arguments sake, u can make a button via both methods, same as you can manually tween something using the tools or do it via actionscript. What I don’t know is which one is best to use, why should I do something manually when I can just do it on actionscript of vice versa?? Also, another thing is, when I attach functions or rules to buttons. Some people say its best to do it directly on the button. And some say its best to do it on the general timeline on the actions layer and just directing the function or whatever to the button i.e
this.ourCompany.onRelease = function() {
this.enabled = false;
Sorry about all this questions, im just trying to get my head round it, and I have no one to ask this apart from you guys :s once I get my head round this and some other bits and bobs, then I will be fine.
I have more, but this is enough, don’t want to get hated straight away :s many thanks, I really appreciate it.