i have, i have a problem with my code.
i have a mc (button) that when you click on it should go to a specific frame (the option clicked) and then charge a movie.
the button (mc) ist created by a duplicatemovie
here is the code
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
_global.addTween = function(){
Tweener.addTween( arguments[0], arguments[1] );
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
colorOut = new Object();
colorOut.ra = 200;
colorOut.rb = 0;
colorOut.ga = 200;
colorOut.gb = 0;
colorOut.ba = 200;
colorOut.bb = 0;
colorOut.aa = undefined;
colorOut.ab = undefined;
colorOver = new Object();
colorOver.ra = 100;
colorOver.rb = 0;
colorOver.ga = 100;
colorOver.gb = 0;
colorOver.ba = 100;
colorOver.bb = 0;
colorOver.aa = undefined;
colorOver.ab = undefined;
// MovieClip Loader
var mclMenu:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader ();
var listMenu:Object = new Object ();
listMenu.onLoadStart = function (alvo:Object) {
addTween(alvo._parent.loader_mc, {_alpha:100, time:1});
listMenu.onLoadComplete = function (alvo:Object) {
addTween(alvo,{_colorTransform:colorOut, time:0.5});
addTween(alvo, {_alpha:70, time:0.5});
addTween(alvo._parent.loader_mc, {_alpha:0, time:0.5});
listMenu.onLoadError = function () {
trace ("ERRO - Arquivo não encontrado");
mclMenu.addListener (listMenu);
// Array
tituloMenu = ["TÍTULO 01", "TÍTULO 02", "TÍTULO 03", "TÍTULO 04", "TÍTULO 05"];
imgMenu = ["menu01-foto1.jpg", "menu01-foto2.jpg", "menu01-foto3.jpg", "menu01-foto4.jpg", "menu01-foto5.jpg"];
function duplicaMenu () {
for (var i =0; i < tituloMenu.length; i++) {
duplicateMovieClip ("btn", "item" + i, i + 10);
btn._visible = false;
iMenu = eval ("item" + i);
iMenu._x += (iMenu._width) * i + (i * 10);
iMenu.tit_txt.text = tituloMenu*;
mclMenu.loadClip ("externos/" + imgMenu*,iMenu.alvo_mc);
iMenu.useHandCursor = false
iMenu.onRollOver = function () {
addTween(this.fd_mc, {_height:145, _y:-30, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
addTween(this.meio_mc, {_height:135, _y:-25, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
addTween(this.mask_mc, {_height:100, _y:-25, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
addTween(this.alvo_mc, {_y:-25, _alpha:100, _colorTransform:colorOver, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
addTween(this.tit_mc, {_height:35, _color:0xFFFFFF, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
addTween(this.tit_txt, {_y:84, _color:0x333333, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
iMenu.onRollOut = function () {
addTween(this.fd_mc, {_height:110, _y:0, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
addTween(this.meio_mc, {_height:100, _y:5, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
addTween(this.mask_mc, {_height:70, _y:5, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
addTween(this.alvo_mc, {_y:5, _alpha:70, _colorTransform:colorOut, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
addTween(this.tit_mc, {_height:30, _color:0x333333, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
addTween(this.tit_txt, {_y:81, _color:0xcccccc, time:0.3,transition:"easeOutExpo", rounded:true});
excuse my english
hope some can helpme