Gotta vent

Some members totally annoy me!

Okay, I feel better.

Whats wrong Renn? Who is annoying you?

Should I ban them…

[size=1]::beats sitting here at work working::[/size]

:beam: :evil: :beam:

Am I right to assume this refers to the Applescript thread?


Certain people just annoy me… they never do anything worthy of being banned… I just find it annoying. But I feel better.

C:-) <— this smiley rocks.

LOL, all Eilsoes smileys rock. I like them better than the standard smilies that used to be here (still are, but I tend to use Eilsoes more than those now) :wink:

So which people annoy you? Maybe they annoy me too :beam:

Alex annoys me…

Know what ya mean… I’m developing a real problem with senocular…

grrr wrings his throat…

Alex annoys me too. He is too vague with his questions and it is almost impossible to answer them because he could mean 75 different things.

Senocular used to annoy me, but I am getting used to him, his code that he posts is very good, I have learned a lot from him since he has been here. But he always tries to outdo everyone… and that is what annoys me.

He just comes off all “hign’n mighty”… I HATE THAT…

A while ago, I was helping someone in the MX section, and all of a sudden, he barges in ans plants some code and say: “mines better, mine works right”… I mean… my version had a few more lines, but it worked just as well. And he kept on, “use mine, use mine, his sucks…”… not literally, but I could tell…

I really dislike that in people…

He helps out a lot in the forums, and he’s good too, but I don’t like the way he struts around acting like he owns the place. :scream:

Should I kick his ***?

not yet Dan, down boy, down I say! :stuck_out_tongue:

if he goes overboard, or all of us get’s fed up with him, well let you wreak havoc on his arse :slight_smile: hehe…

Just keep an eye on him…

Yeah, I have been keeping an eye out.

I kinda hate that it is a two way thing…

  1. I learn a lot from his posts… but
  2. He thinks he is better than everyone here.

I mean, you can be good (like Ilyas ;)), but you don’t have to flaunt it around like that.

He has done nothing banworthy though…

It’s no biggie. They only annoy me for a second, so I can’t remember who they are after.

Oh I love the smileys… I try to find every excuse to use this one C:-)

This one makes me a little uncomfortable though -> :chinaman:

But really El - I think you did a great job on the smileys.

I like this one too -> 8]

The new smileys make me :stuck_out_tongue: and :*( and :beam:. The :ub: has such a :cool: forum that it gave me a :hangover: and I had to laydown and :sleep:!

:nerd: :geek:

:angry: :scream:

:*( :frowning: :smirk: :slight_smile: :wink: :beam:

Almost like little animations.


I’m being praised… that’s a first :stuck_out_tongue:

I only make the smilies because of the fellas on the boards…

and personally, I can never have too many emoticons/smilies :slight_smile:

one for each state of mind :slight_smile:

Praise Eilsoe… Praise Eilsoe

::bows down::

:::jumps up and slaps Eilsoe with trout sword:::

Sweet, another one! Have about you make pixel moderators, starting with yourself of course, then kirupa, work your way down. It’s only an idea if you ever get that bored :wink: