Why do I

Suddenly feel ignored in here…? :-\

<i>I’m</i> not ignoring you.

Although it hasn’t been decided yet whether that is a good thing… :stuck_out_tongue:


and whuddya suppose that would mean?

'cuz you completely threw me off track…

I’m easily confused… urgh… :stuck_out_tongue:

Me too. :slight_smile:

I’ve got about 10 minutes left before I’m walking out of work. Been here since 9am, and it’s been one of those completely mind-numbing, tedious days…

I think what I meant is that my paying attention to anyone / anything might not neccessarily be a good thing.


I don’t know anymore.

I’m hungry.

And tired.

Ah, but a pretty brit’s attention is worth a lot I’d say…

agh… too many wires in this speaker system… (grr)… :hangover:

I was ignoring you:bad: but now that youmentioned:

Take that Eilsoe:trout:


[SIZE=1]btw, is that one of yours smilies?[/SIZE]

yearh that’s one of mine…

silly me:sigh:

I loved! When it´s gona be added to kirupa?

I dunno really… I’ve stopped asking Kirupa…

I just use 'em directly from my server whenever I need’em… I memorized them so I don’t have to open my ftp and recheck the name every single time… :sure:

If he wan’t them, he’ll add them… maybe…

Or if any of you fish-heads out there wan’t it on the board, give Kirupa a pad on the back, maybe he’ll add it…

Or eat your fingers… who knows…

post here all smilies that you have made and are not yet on kirupa, so I can ask ([SIZE=1]beg[/SIZE]) him to put it on?

yeah! I love yur smilies! They have got to be put in the list!

Eilsoe, just to let you know, your instincts are correct, I am ignoring you. :!:


Who is this eilsoe. How does he have so many posts yet i have never seen him here before.


More like you have been ignoring us

I would never ignore you Eilsoe!!! :geek:


What ho…? Did I backfire on myself? :x

more 3dsmax wallpapers coming soon… maybe… :bad:

EDIT: Lost, u slipped a post in right before me… again… :slight_smile:

Now Now Philbert, you know who Eilsoe is, be kind to your friends :slight_smile:

Well that is false Philbert.

See, if you do that, that opens you for weakness. One can be pretending to be weak, so they are think they are and then when you least expect it, come back at you. Since you think they are weak, you will be caught off guard :wink:

pj has a goatee?

:goatee: <-- hahaaa! YANK

when the hell did you get a goatee?? :goatee: ?? did you hit puberty while i was on vacation??

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**pj has a goatee?

:goatee: <– hahaaa! YANK **

my thoughts exactly…posted at same time…haha…