Gradient Masking

I’m not sure how well I can explain this, but here:

I’m trying to create a wipe effect on some 3D cubes I have rendered from Plasma.

Given the nature of my site, I’d like to have a smooth gradient-enhanced wipe instead of a harsher “it’s there, or it’s not” mask.

One way to think of this type of mask would be similar to a fading, scrolling text effect…only in my movie it’s the mask that moves creating the effect I’d prefer.

I’ve tried using gradients in mx, adjusting alpha levels in mx, creating a seperate PNG gradient in Illustrator…and I’m running out of ideas, given none of the above has actually worked.

Any suggestions? Help? Harsh words of criticism for being too stupid to figure it out on my own? Any reponse would be wonderful.

  • Mike

Here’s an idea of what I’m trying to accomplish, sans the soft/feathered gradient:

<OBJECT classid=“clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH=“300” HEIGHT=“300” id=“gradientMask” ALIGN=””>
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=“”> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF> <EMBED src=“” quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH=“300” HEIGHT=“300” NAME=“gradientMask” ALIGN=""
TYPE=“application/x-shockwave-flash” PLUGINSPAGE=“”></EMBED>

If that doesn’t work (probably not), you can just go to this page. Again, thanks.

  • Mike

make your mask layer a gradient and see if that does anything

You can’t do gradient masks in Flash. The mask is either there or its not. Masks don’t take into account alpha value or color. I know the effect that you want, but haven’t myself been able to figure out how to do it. You could just do the effect in after effects and export a .png sequence to import into flash.

You could use a gradient that has the same color as your background on top of your mask, but that’s pretty much it :-\

that’s true

now this is very amusing i never knew this would cause people problems anyways check out the attached fla its jsut a gradient with an alpha animated over the layer you can also shape tween gradients without moving like animate a gradient from 0% alpha to 100% alpha its very kewl you jsut gotta playw ith it and experiment good luck

Thanks for the work-around GrimDeath…but will Macromedia ever offer gradient masks? That’d open so many doors…