Grass effect I’m workin on, what do you think?
After I develope it a little more I might make a tutorial on it or something… what do you guys think?
That looks nice, you used the cloud filter to make the shadows, right ?!?
thanks c!ryx, actually i didnt use the cloud filter, i despise it, its too over used…
I just blocked in the colors by hand
it looks good. now just add a couple of trees and a picnick blanket and a basket and you will be all set.
lol… sure thing alex
meh… a little better
i like the second one more.
me 2… i thinks it a lot better
I’m gonna make a tutorial for this even if it does suck:beam:
The second one is really better, it is more green ;p
thanks cyrix
now i have a cool footer, go me!
haha, i don’t see them…
u dont see what?
nice! I want that kinda grass for my back yard!
lol… well heres what you do syko… print out like… say… 6000 of those… and glue them to your lawn;)
I’m writing a tutorial on this btw, even tho its simple, im sure some people could get some use out of it
so far im gonna have 2 tutorials on my site… wooooo
Looks alright, is it blured? You know you could really use the grass brush in the brushes in photoshop 7.
wow i really like that! sumit it here too!
*Originally posted by Soulty *
**Looks alright, is it blured? You know you could really use the grass brush in the brushes in photoshop 7. **
That would be the easy way out… lol
I’m still working on it, but I’m happy with it
thanks for the comments guys