Grassy field

is there any other way to create the grassy field effect besides the one mentioned in the tutorial?
how did lostinbeta do it?

Well I don’t have that footer anymore, so if you knew about it from the tutorial you probably didn’t see it… you can see it here…

And mine is images in Photoshop done with the Grass paintbrush.

your footer looks really, really nice…
so you basically did the image in photoshop and then animated w/ the “ease on mouse-follow” method?

Thats exactly what I did, I just removed all the _y and _ymouse coding so it only followed it along the _x axis (horizontally) :slight_smile:

And yeah, I loved that footer, it’s my fave, but the images boost the file size way above the 15Kb limit requirement of this forum so I had to lose it.

lostinbeta - i had a look at your grassy footer. NICE! is there no way you could scale down on the size? how about making your “3D” blocks move like the grass? that won’t take up a lot of space…


I could scale down on the size, but it reduces the quality and makes it very ugly.

And making my isometric blocks right now do that wouldn’t look so hot, plus it would involve me redrawing them in a way where I could do that… which would be a pain :stuck_out_tongue:

lazy are we? hehehe

how about making your pink blox jump up when you move your mouse over them?

hehehe more work :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, it would be more work… considering my footer is a .gif image I did in Photoshop and aren’t seperate symbols in Flash :stuck_out_tongue:

ok, you’re excused… this time only :stuck_out_tongue:

hey im haivn problems with this, ive done the grass effect but i want it to stop on a certain frame so my cartoon can carry on, how aould i go about this ?

how about adding a stop(); function to the frame where you
want it to stop?

yes but where do i add the stop, in this effect the actions are in frame 1 and the gras actions seems to jsut loop, so i dont know how or where to stop them

how big is this file? can you attach it here (there is a size limit for attachments)…

else e-mail me the file… let me see what you are doing :slight_smile: