Hello, I’m the AVP of the Web dept at a new company located in the WTC of Long Beach, Ca and I am in need of talented designers. At this moment I cannot get into full detail unless your serious about the position but I can tell you that this is a brand new company who is going to be internationally known. Our services are geared towards improving the quality of life for others.
I’m loking for 2-3 people with some degree in web design or programming. Or even who are very good with the macromedia suite {flash/ dreamweaver specific}, adobe suite, and any other program with 3+ yrs experience is a plus.
Again, I cannot give full details here but this is an opportunity you do not want to miss out on. This position will need to be filled very soon. Email me your resume and/or sample of your work to :rldezignz@go.com ATTN: Design Position, and **EVERYONE **will get an immediate reply back.
Thank you!
Rebekah Lovejoy
AVP Web Dept.
WCI, inc