how can you professionally do that as an occupation? like Kit works as one full time. I know you can do freelancing by doing a portfolio and what not, but how can you actually do it as a full time job? how would you find out what would be hiring?
If you’re question is referring to what kind of skills or assets are typically required of this job, simply do a search on to find out what employers generally look for.
A portfolio or site helps a lot but it’s not entirely necessary. After that, you apply for it just like you would for any other job - you contact the company about an opening, send them your cover letter/resume… etc…
Well a lot of companies like Churchhill, the one Kit works for, have their own in house designer which creates and maintain their website.
You have to keep in mind that once a website is created, it needs someone to update and maintain it, so instead of contacting a new designer for this each time, they hire someone to be around the office and do the updates.
There are also design studios like 2advanced and Who’sWe which consist of a team of designers and programmers working together to develope web applications.
So being a web designer isn’t so bad, I’ve recently left the print industry to do freelance web designing and it’s not too bad. I will eventually try to get into a studio like 2advanced once I gain more experience.
yeah, i know about them having to update and everything, thats what i was wondering how to get a job in. i’ve looked on and the newspaper and things like that, was just curious as to if there was a certain site that was specifically for it or anything.
thats really cool eg, g’luck to you on that
Well if you’re really interested then do what Rengirl stated, setup your portfolio site.
Ever since I had my portfolio site up, people contact me instead of me contacting them for work.
Also keep in mind that it won’t happen over night and you will have to promote your site for atleast a few months before people actually know it exists.
Also don’t rely on your site too much, continue your search on and other job sites. Keep your options open and be persistent. I’m sure you’ll find a job, good luck.
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**I will eventually try to get into a studio like 2advanced once I gain more experience. **
HAHAHAHAHAH!!! No offence EG, your skills are great and all, but 2A is WAY too strict with who they let in. I think you have to be a robot to be able to do what they want… this is a quote from Bit-101 a long time ago when 2A was looking to hire. Their expectations are rediculously high, and you are requires to meet ALL of them to even be CONSIDERED for a job there.
Position: Web Developer
At 2Advanced Studios, we have made it our mission to consistently challenge the ordinary. We’re seeking to grow our small team with the addition of an experienced Web Developer who, with superior technical training and comprehensive knowledge of multiple programming languages, will be primarily responsible for developing client solutions from conception to delivery.
Skillset Required:
We are seeking an individual with exception programming skills in Macromedia Flash MX (ActionScripting), Microsoft Visual Studio (C#, C++ and Visual Basic), PHP, Java, Javascript, Macromedia ColdFusion, Perl, and MivaScript. Experience with the following advanced web technologies is critical; JSP, EJB, JDBC, SOAP, WAP, SGML, XML, XSL/XSLT, CSS, DHTML and WML. Database design and normalization for the web with Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 9i, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Borland InterBase is a must. Position also requires a minimum of a BS or BA in a related field or equivalent industry work experience. HTML, with Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe PhotoShop, Erain Swift3D, Macromedia Flash MX, Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand is a must. Candidate must meet ALL of the above criteria for consideration. Salary commensurate depending upon experience. Please submit your resume by e-mail ONLY to . NO CALLS PLEASE.
So I what I propose you do instead, is create a mega design company to RIVAL 2A, then kick their arse
It could work.
holy crap man. That’s crazy.
I work as a full time Web Developer/Graphic Designer sort of like Kit. I work for a company that needs things done all the time so instead of hiring people on a freelance basis they decided to hire a designer. I do both print and Web so I get the best of both worlds
2a2! hehehe! lol. thats rediculuse…if you can do something like that you deserve to be on Mt. Olympus. How much you want to bet Eric Jordan can’t do half that? but this thread is helping me too.
LOL thanks lost, once again you find a way to boost my confidence…you jerk.
But seriously though, I know that their expectations are high, I’ve tried to do a internship there, but was turned down since I didn’t have a Bachelor’s degree.
Also keep in mind that when companies post their requirements, it’s more of what they would like to have in a new employee, but most of the time they’ll hire someone with almost all of those requirements. I know this because I’ve taken a business class and we talked to a few human resources departments of companies.
EG: I better of boosted your confidence, I said you should create a company that would rival 2A, because you’re that good!
And in their requirements they state in caps them you must meet ALL the requirements to be considered. It is towards the end. I don’t think requirements usually say that, but I could be wrong.
its ridiculous the things they ask for at 2a i personally if i knew all they are asking for i would make my own company not try to get a job witht hem its stupid i mean really some of us dont know half of what their requirements and we have jobs as freelancers or have our own clients why?? becaue not everyone can afford a 2a website thats why
Well of course they have to set their requirements high, they’re 2A, they have a reputation to maintain, but in reality, that list of requirements is insane.
I’m sure there are people who have all those skills, but to find one is rare. They’re asking for someone who is a combination of Senocular and Edwin. I do NOT know of anyone who is that good.
UNFLUX is on the up-and-up, you know.
Unflux who? stop spamming!
So how much did it cost to start your studio? Have you set up your business plan and break even analysis yet? =)
when i was talking to eric jordan yesterday…
lol i gotta go with EG cause i mean. its like, whoa! they got specialty ppl, that is just what they would like. but if you have extensive knowlage in more than one area you still got a shot, this looks like a Director or Manager’s position to me. its not you5r average joe spot.
After these 3 jobs in progress, everything else is profit. =)
The biggest cost for this was time. Being patient is the key IMO.
You aren’t going to get $10k per project right away. Taking my
time and building the clients up was my main goal, then the price
seems to take care of itself.
I started UNFLUX almost a year ago, and now I’m finally getting
to charge what I want. 2a is my goal, in terms of business.
Where they are, is where I want to be in 2 yrs tops.
I’m sure that will go up too tho, if I’m lucky. =)
Well good luck to you Unflux, as for me, I still have a long way to go.
I know Eric Jordan has been in the game for a long time starting out at Design Insites.
I hope I can follow his same footsteps and be as successful. =)
well that kinda job is just like a dream come true!
you and me both EG
i dont know if i want to stay being this. i am not even outta high school yet. hell i am not even IN high school yet, i want to do something with Computers, like maybe an IT guy but i dont know if its in Web exactly…