Greek from XML

I´m loading text via XML and when I trace it it looks fine in the output window. So the data is there. But, when I add it to a text field on the stage the text comes up as squares on the stage. Some of the words that only contain latin characters look fine.

I´ve tried to save the XML file in various ways with both Dreamweaver and Notepad, greek encoding, UTF-8, iso-8859-7, Unicode, Unicode big endian etc but to no success.

Also, when writing the greek text in a static textfield with the same font as the embedded one - it shows! So the characters are there in the font. But it all goes Pete Tong somewhere between the XML data and my textfield.

Please help! My deadline has already passed.

(I´ve seen some PHP solutions but PHP is not an option on the server we´re running)

Thanks in advance


So my XML looks something like:
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

it should work, right? I´ve tried that along with saving the .xml as UTF-8 in Notepad. No luck. I have even tried with System.useCodePage = true; but that didn´t do it either.

Thanks for your time!

not use this <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

Open my xml file from
hi has UTF-8
Test him, and change him according to your desire

in your editor you also have to save the file with utf8 enconding

Thank you for your help Alex and Pier but it turns out it´s probably not an XML Encoding -problem.

Check this out:
One field with static text that is looking fine. And the other with dynamic text is not looking very good. Here´s the code for the textfield:

tf.embedFonts = true;
tf.text = "Dynamic text: &#913;&#957;&#964;&#959;&#967;&#942;&#931;&#935;&#917;&#916;&#906;&#913;&#931;&#919;&#922;&#902;&#924;&#917;&#929;&#913;";

The text “Dynamic text: ΑντοχήΣΧΕΔΊΑΣΗΚΆΜΕΡΑ” is added to the text field and I´ve clicked Auto Fill in the embed options. So, the characters are there.

Could this be a codePage problem? I´ve tried useCodePage as both true and false and none works.

Please - I need more help!

is the error consistent on all browsers, platforms,players?

Once I had the weirdest issue… but only in firefox. It was because wmode=transparent on firefox bugged the player…

Turned out to be a font export problem after all. GreekHelvetica just didn´t work in my dynamic textfield. Switched to Arial and it works. Took me three days and a font change. Christ!

But it´s still very weird that I could write the text statically and not dynamically. Not the most obvious place to start the error search.

Thanks for your time!