Greek Typefaces

Anyone know where I can find Greek typefaces at? I’m tried of using the same old boring Symbol. Thanks in advance.

greek typefaces ?
whaddya mean ? (me sux in typography, althoug i do have 700+ fonts)

what other greek typeface is there? , it pretty much coveres the greek alphabet dosent it?

actually here are some link to some examples

i will look around to see where you can download them

I am looking for ones like this

where did u get all these fonts??

:: you only want the greek ones right?

i got that image off the web site. yes i only want the greek ones. i need something that is more fun than the boring symbol font for a flyer i am making up. hope you can help me out. thanks!

iam still looking around :smirk:
by the way , are you greek? or you just doing something for a greek company?

He’s doing it for his frat :stuck_out_tongue:

BadBobby’s a FratBoy :smiley:

Not that there’s anything wrong with that :bad:

Yes I am Greek. I’m making up a flyer design for an upcoming party. Thanks for your help.

lol. Iam greek too :slight_smile:

Ive been looking around for the fonts, though nothing is downloadable , there all images to ones you can buy! I’ll try later , been busy 2day, need some sleep.

talk to you soon.


i am geek
i have arab fonts
funny bizarre fonts
one day i shall have greek fonts

Your a geek or greek? , LOL , sorry had to point that out, I will look 2day, I think i have some fonts on the greek office cd.


hi soulty

porpous2: Hey dude!

resultswithstyl: I looked and looked, found somefonts not much, dont really know what to search for, check the zip, and this link.

porpous2 check your PM ! :slight_smile:


soulty (salty :wink: ) check your pm,