Grinch V.S Mdipi [tennis]

Hey guys,
I’ve finally decided to battle against a good friend of mine, and so here we go!

Theme : The past (memories, events, history, anything)
Due date : max 3 days after oppenents volley
Size : Set by starting image
Rules : Must use at least one item from oppenets volley
Rounds : 3 each

Here’s a picture I just recently took. I tried keeping it small.

this will be JPEG exchange

Wanna go first? I still have to install PS on my new puter :thumb:

alright I guess so. May the best man win.

Alright dipi,
here is my volley, and I will send you the psd shortly.


As soon as you GMail me that PSD i can start…i take it that my 3 day clock starts when you send it right?

Yeah sure thing bro.

Wow man i went to post this three times, and i must have closed my browser every time:

Nice work dipi,
I’ll try to get mine in soon!

Sounds good sergi!

Ok here’s my 2nd volley. I made it based on chinese culture. :stuck_out_tongue:
PSD was emailed. Good Luck