Hey guys,
I haven’t really PS’ed in a while, so I feel like getting back into motion.
So whatdya say?! I want a real challenge!
Me neither. I’m up for it shrugs
Alright sure.
Here are the specs.
Theme : None
Size : Starting Image
Volley Due : max3 days after oppenents serve.
Ok, I took this picture in Munster, Germany, and it should make for a good start.
What up grinch, good to see ya back.
Hey Brich,
thanks for the welcome
And uh, copper, you still here bro?
Ok nevermind…
Brich, you up for the battle, or anyone else?
Ya sure. I’m always down to battle, shall I start?
btw, coppertop if you were just busy you can still go instead of me.
I’d be glad if you slipped in. Coppertop is rarely on, and I’m in the mood for a fast battle.
You start. GL!
Sorry, I was called into work this week, so I have to wait untill evening before I can do anything. But I’ll try.
EDIT: By the way, I’ve got a great idea. I’ll be done in about 1½ hours
EDIT2: Or, maybe tomorrow.
Ok, great,
sorry Brich, next time eh? Thanks for your consideration
No worries, I actually started a pic but it’s all good.
Or wait, you think you guys would want to do a 3-way battle?
Is that alright? I’d love it.
sounds fair enough.
Ok, cool.
Gimme some more time with that pic tho I wanna spend more than 10mins on it. I will finish it up tonight.
psd or jpg exchange?
I was thinking one off edit
I was thinking one off edit
jpg then?
as in, no exchange. we just do our work, then submit, and get judged.
and, still I am not done. (Mulitasking is failing me :trout: )
ok, sounds good i’ll be done real soon…
Alright guys,
it all sounds good! Good Luck!
sorry for the delay, I fell asleep lastnight before I could post…