hey i was practicing for the battle between me and lost later and i came up with this!
Hey mdipi, you do know our battle is in current motions right?
Check the thread “to lost”, Dan set the rules and a date. I am almost finished mine.
wtf? i didnt even know you exepted. ah shoot! when is it due!
Don’t worry you have plenty of time, it is due the 20th, enough about that.
pretty cool grunge pic
few. i just started. thanks for the feedback.
A biohazard sign and a lot of brushes…this is the last time I asign a grunge battle!
Well that isn’t his entry dan
That was in preparation for his entry.
hah I’d be happy if I could make something moderatly close to that.
Well all it is is grunge brushes slapped on a white background.
mmm I don’t even know how to install a brush (havent tried either)
Oh ok
actally lost, that image took a lot of time. i had to turn brushes around and cousomize and junk like that. there is much more to grunce than ‘slapping’.
Rotating things isn’t hard though. Customizing can be depending on what you do to customize.
I bet kirupa could do a grunge piece like (and he doesnt even have photoshop) that if he wanted to. Slapping and rotating brushes isn’t as hard as you think…and if you do then color burn/dodge may be just to much for you to handle!
Ah crap… thanks dan, you just reminded me of something I had to do with color burn and dodge tools. I had this idea in my head, and I completely forgot about it until now.
heyheyhey! i am still a newb with PS so don’t go getting down on me.