I know there is no real science to the grunge look, just manipulate brushes and what have you. But does anyone know where I can find a good grunge tutorial? For PS 7. I wanna make a real cool desktop but I have never done the grunge thing. I have scoured the google search but nothing of value. So hopefully someone know of one (tutorial) that is flying below radar.
*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**I know there is no real science to the grunge look, just manipulate brushes and what have you. But does anyone know where I can find a good grunge tutorial? **
kind of contradictive isn’t it? you just need to learn how certain layers blend and interact with eachother… find the right brushes or more likely make your own… and just add details.
I’d like to see some examples of how you go about building this kind of stuff as well. I’m a lot more line art oriented and haven’t played around with Photoshop very much yet.
I agree to an extent. I was asking for some grunge techniques. I am familiar with brushes and layer blending…Therefore I do not need a primer in those areas. But if that comes in the package cool. Thats like if some asks how to mask a object then you give them a crash course on on the tool panel because they need to know how to create a object. But in any event thanks…But if you know where a cool tut is please fill me in. (and Kitara)
well i didn’t mean a primer. anyone can download some brushes and mess with the layers. i’m saying it’s more experimentation than anything. why don’t you post a version of what your grunge looks like and then maybe we can see what is wrong.
I actually have not started…working on some new games for xbox…sswweeeeeet…But I will post when I get started…But I was hoping someone would post a tut to get me motivated to start…Hey jaded you seem pretty interested do you know a good tut spot?
well i’im kinda busy at the moment but if these sites don’t help you then maybe i’ll write a tutorial for it…well atleast for getting people started
anyway i have yet to find a good grunge tutorial so in the end i’ll end up making a good tutorial. peace
It is mainly haveing a good collection of brushes. Then just take waht u got and start to throw it onto the canvas. use lots of lyaers so you can do some adjusting. Then just through in some other effects. It doesn’t take much before u got something good. I’ll post some pictures that took like 5 min when I get off work. The hardest part is knowing when to stop. To much can make for a bad picture.
Here is one i made with nocturn or something like thats brushes. I just threw in a tutorial from void x or something
Thanks, those brushes at nocturna were really great. Now I’ve got about 50 million of them I can start playing around. I think that’s where Ive been falling behind on Photoshop. I keep forgetting that you can load new brushes and whatnot, so I’ve been stuck with the ones that are default…
Here are a couple pictures I made with those brushes and some other effects. It doesn’t take much to get some good stuff