My second ever 'grunge' piece

hey everyone

i’ve just started experimenting with the grungy style. Comments and crits appreciated :smiley:

thanks :rabbit:

Very nice, I like all the detail in it. I love all the colors you used and the texture the image has! When I read the text in the middle I laughed (call me morbid). I think the only thing I wasn’t keen on was all the vertical lines/bars with the grunge on it. It just seemed a bit to static in comparison to all the randomness that the rest of the image had. Perhaps just limit them or turn down the opacity a bit. I think it would clean it up a little bit.
But maybe it’s just me! lol!

Awesome job, keep up the amazing work!

firstly, i think it’s a good effort. I was going to say that the vertical brushes should have been blended more but i actually quite like it how it is :slight_smile: and i think the movement is good.

i think the text needs some work… firstly, i don’t think the micro-text really fits in, especially with that font. If you want to keep it for the layered effect, maybe change it to a different style - you could go with a gothic kinda one or the typical handwritten, scratchy old style type.

also, the main type isn’t quite right. FiRstLy, tHiS KinDA StYlE iS pReTtY AnNoyInG even when the lower case letters are aligned like yours are. also i think you could add a lot to the jolted feel of the piece by displacing the text… break it up into characters and make some bigger, move 'em a bit so they’re not all lined up, even rotate a few, do all sorts of things to make it edgier, create some tension.
and i think a different font here might look better too.

but still, i like it overall, and i think if you keep working on it it’ll get even better :slight_smile:

excellent piece, I see noting to criticise

nice piece, but please help prevent grunge from becoming overused on web. it seems to be the new trend and it’s too interesting an art form to let it become common place. (i like the veritcal brushes)

i think it should say…

somebodys head esploded

**Edit… I like it thought. but still think you should change the text to mine above.

Thanks for your feedback, everyone :smiley:

Some really serious critiques here, which I really appreciate. I kinda agree with the vertical lines/bars breaking the movement… but all I really wanted to do for this piece was grunge, grunge, grunge! So I just did whatever to make it grungy :pleased:

ilikepie: I agree with you about the text. The micro-text does seem a little out of place in this kind of design… I need to get my hands on a very gothic-looking font… I’ll keep working. Thanks :slight_smile:

=guinness=: I know. I see this stuff everywhere… You should see all the tutorials I came across on Google! :!:
I am a bit of a trend-hopper :pleased:, but I’ll be careful…

and Ethan… that’d make me sound kinda stupid, wouldn’t it? :+)
“esploded” - makes me laugh, though :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks everyone!

yeah it just sounded funny in my head. Like… “uh oh, my head eh jussa esploded”

Anyway it was nice tough. I jsut did my first grudge work tonight and it was fun.

tidy man, real nice and tidy :thumb:

thats just “jam and toast” man


I really like this image, but I would consider creating more contrast between the colours to really bring it out more. The micro text in the center doesn’t work, i think it needs to be given the same treatment as the other text. Also try a differnet font for your main writing.