Guess I better watch what I post

its a lot like the “student busted for PHP use” thing except this one is real.

Dude, this is friggin scary…

well i haven’t seen the site while it was up so i can’t really judge the situation…

There is no such thing as a free state. We have freedoms that keep us safe, but to what extent? Sure spraying bullets into a crowd is pretty unsafe and that should be illegal, but the Govt, is going so far as to , you sneeze the wrong way and you go to jail. Heres the Kicker, What was it that prosecuted him? INformation. The information which can be used badly, but most people wouldnt. Now what the ironic part is , the information on his site probably wasent secretive, and many people have probably dealt with some of that in chemestry (on a small scale). Anyway, what gets me is they watched him, but they didnt probe far enough. How can you tell his intent? Well if he attempted it, thats grounds for prosecution, but he didnt. Was he even warned? i mean there should be a simple warning, saying “Look, this could be bad… dont do it…” and he’d probably take it down. BUt what i think is the Govt is “tightening security” which is slowly taking away our rights. Pretty soon, to be safe , everyone must be at home or they will be thrown in jail. what kind of world that be? Not a free one. What really gets me is, the GOvt limits information, and so the masses remain or get stupider as things are being done in the back. How is this any better than say Hitler? i mean eventually it’ll get so bad we wont be free. Just Read 1984 by George Orwell and you can find parallells to the political scene. very very scarry.

sorry if this doesnt make sense, it was a stream of consciousness… Im Just afraid what might happen in the future, at the expense of our freedoms. =(

Well, I found another article on this:

He plead guilty for the charges, so he wasn’t totally unaware that what he was doing was illegal. His explanation that he linked to creating a bomb sites to help the FBI is lame! The proper way would be to attempt to contact the FBI.

He just made some bad choices, and he must pay for them. At least he didn’t get 20 years that he would if was prosecuted under the Patriot Act.

I think I might get looked down on for saying this, but,

[size=6]I’m happy as hell I live in Canada![/size]

He plead guilty for the charges, so he wasn’t totally unaware that what he was doing was illegal.

He did that as part of a plea agreement.

nothin wrong with canada. You can drink at the age of 18…yep, nothing is wrong with canada.

another thing is we don’t have crazy laws like “The Patriot Act”.

yep. Canada kicks.

That’s true sushis. After having watched countless hours of “The Practice”, I have a feeling about how those plea agreements go. His behavior for some reason doesn’t strike me as someone who wouldn’t intentionally want to link to those sites.

This was an unfortunate situation but the US government seems to “****ed if they do and ****ed if they don’t,” at least in my opinion.

a lot of people got upset when they found out the government had an inkling about the september 11th attacks and didn’t do anything about it…on the other side of the spectrum, people get mad at the government when they take down a site that contained literature on how to make a bomb. the US isn’t a totally free state, but the government certainly tries to allow for as much freedom as possible while maintaining the security of our country. i guess the question is how much government involvement should be allowed?

i don’t know about you, but i have never been scared about the government arresting me for anything. geez, i mean come on, what kind of moron posts information related to bomb making while our country is on a high terror alert?!!


true that.

the next part is trying to lighten this situation up a little. Its a quote from a comedian.

One of the great things about living in Canada is, our threat of terrorist attacks is minimal. I mean think about it, we are home to most of their family! You would expect to have at least a little warning. I’m picturing it like this:

You’re walking down the streets of Toronto, talking to your self then suddenly it hits you. “Hey, wait a second, why are all the dollar stores and convienience stores closed?”

after a moment of pondering: “Oh Crap! TAXI! TAXI!”

then it hits you, the taxis are gone to

I know it is slightly racist, but if you live in Toronto/GTA, you know how true it actually is.

Hope that helped to lighten the situation.

His behavior for some reason doesn’t strike me as someone who wouldn’t intentionally want to link to those sites.

yea, i don’t think he is totally innocent. he may not deserve a year in prison, but he should have known what he was getting himself in to…