I did! I waited in line for more than three hours (I was the second person there) at the TicketMaster at Fiesta Mart. Then, they ended up randomly ordering it, so that I ended up at the end of the line for the people who got there an hour early (gah, they don’t do this at other TM outlets; not even the one across the street did it!). There were still about a hundred (probably a lot more) people behind me, so it wasn’t that bad…
Then there were like 10 or so scalpers… one really sleezy-looking guy brought out a wad of cash, probably 3" thick, of hundreds… it was really amazing, and he got all the first ten or so people to buy 12 tickets, and give all of the rest to him.
There was also this one crazy old idiot lady who kept claiming TicketMaster only had one server, so they always crashed. Of course, we all know that’s impossible (they get ~1,000 hits a second, by my math, when they start selling). In this case, it temporarily stopped selling, but then resumed quickly afterwards… yeah… one server. Right. (I kept not-so-subtedly talking to my mom asking how much ram she thought “the server” had, and such… it was fun.)
Then I progressed to the front and got my tickets…
The line was still to the door, though…