Guestbook QUestion -- HELP!


I am using the guestbook posted on, the guestbook is working good, except that it doesn’t display the name of the person who is leaving the message.

I followed the action script code but I am not sure I am doing wrong. The code for the myName entry is like this:

[*]After that, a myName attribute is added to this new <entry> node and assigned the value of the myName input textfield:

myXML.firstChild.lastChild.attributes.myName = myName;
Resulting in: [LEFT]<?xml version=“1.0”?>
<entry myName=“Flashmatazz”>
</guestbook> [/LEFT]
[*]Then a new *<myText> *node is created as a childnode of the newly created <entry> node:
Giving us the following: [LEFT]<?xml version=“1.0”?>
<entry myName=“Flashmatazz”>
<myText> </myText>
</guestbook> [/LEFT]
[/LIST][LEFT]What I don’t understand is why does it have a “flashmatazz” in there? When I enter a test on my guestbook it doesn’t display the name of the person there.

this is my client’s site: then go the “guestbook” section and take a look at what it does.

My guestbook.xml file has this coding:

<?xml version=“1.0”?><guestbook><entry myName=“Flasmatazz”><myText>Upcoming soon!. </myText></entry></guestbook>

What do I need to do to make the xml file display the entry names?

HELP please!![/LEFT]

Hello, m new here so i don’t know if bumping old topics is allowed, so m sorry if its not.

Anyhow m having the same problem as ‘edv1972’

The guestbook works perfectly only i doesn’t display the posters name…
I looked al day for solutions and tried modifieing the as , so far nothing worked… :frowning:

Anybody has an idea?

ok for those intrested theproblem is triggered by the use of adifferent font as weird as it may sound…