Why can’t you just put that clip inside the movie clip symbol that you have move?
Or use the a script to tell the clip to always be at the x,y coords of the other clip?
If I am misunderstanding something can you please set up an example .fla file of how you have things set up and what code you are using so we can see?
The problem is, the thing i want to move with the other clip, is infact a preloader bar…
and for some reason that bar only works on the main timeline and not inside another MC…
so to do what i need it to do, it just need to look like its in the other movie clip, in other words, just follow it around,
how do I make it follow the X Y coords of the other movie??
Untested, 'cause I don’t have Flash here…
_root.myPreloaderMC.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._x = _root.myOtherMC._x;
this._y = _root.myOtherMC._y;
(if ‘myOtherMC’ is placed on the main timeline ofcourse)