Haha, pretty funny technical difficulty

Ya i wish i could remember what we did to fix it with the windows settings. I had a friend who is a lot better at OS matinace come over and fix it for me. That is why i cna’t remember exactly what he did.

Yea, XP has a lot of inside stuff thats hard to get to without knowing exactly where it is. I couldn’t find it, sorry.

just pull the plug

Well if you really want it off yo can wait for that 2 secs where it is offline then hit your power button. That always worked for me before i reinstaled.

wel, that can cause damages if done at the wrong time.

ya it is all about timing.

but who wants to time their shutdowns every time?

I have a very similar problem where my pc resets when I select ShutDown from the XP start menu. It’s been like that ever since I installed XP…

Fortunately, the button on the case itself works if I hold it down for a few seconds. I just have to wait for my pc to try to restart and then hold down the power button. And what’s worse is that it’s random - sometimes it shuts down fine, other times it restarts.


Call your maker, or Microsoft. They probably can tell you how to do it.

It’s been like this for over a year - I’m used to it now :). Also, I am going to break my computer up in about 3 weeks and use some components for a new machine and store the rest for later use so it isn’t really worth it. But thanks for the suggestion.

i highly doubt it’s windows since it does the same thing when windows hasn’t even loaded yet, or begun to. my computer is password protected right after the bios checks and when it prompts for the password, that’s when i attempt to turn it off. but i have been meaning to reinstall windows…

well, if you think so, formatting will be the best way out. But if that doesn’t solve it, then it’s hardware left…

*Originally posted by JK87 *
**I have a very similar problem where my pc resets when I select ShutDown from the XP start menu. It’s been like that ever since I installed XP…

Fortunately, the button on the case itself works if I hold it down for a few seconds. I just have to wait for my pc to try to restart and then hold down the power button. And what’s worse is that it’s random - sometimes it shuts down fine, other times it restarts.

Same on my 2k machine.

Do you have Roxio Cd creator Platuim?

My PC was shutting off fine. I installed Roxio today and now my PC doens’ shut off. I remember there is a software conflict between Roxioes CD to CD copy app and the one built into XP. This could be the problem.

naw, no roxio. i think i’m just gonna live with this problem, though it is annoying how the time is always the same as when i last turned it off.

i appreciate all the advice =)

Ya sorry it didnt’ help much. I Found out it is roxio that coauses the problem on mine. I uninstaled it and it shours down fine. Thne i put it back on and the problem was back. Maybe another one of your apps causes it. Try unisntalling and re installing untill it starts again.

it’s odd how programs control the shutdown feature on your computer, that shouldn’t be allowed by programs…

GR…i opened up my computer, took every piece of hardware out, cleaned the case (for crying out loud…), rearranged some of my hardware, found out my motherboard battery was dead, so replaced it (i really thought this was the problem), and all that to no avail!!! my computer still refuses to turn off! Bad computer, BAD!

lol…software problem?