ok, so i’m sittin here, minding my own buisness, and all of a sudden my computer decides to shut down. it didn’t just turn off, it actually went through the proper routine OS shutdown. no plugs were loose, no kitty stepped on the surge protector, it just, happened all by itself. (although none of that would really be possible anywhoo, since it windblows did its standard shutdown).
sounds like a virus, right? i scanned my whole pc with norton, anti-trojan, and spybot search and destry, and found not a hair of anything suspicious. so i think, ok, it was just random weirdness. well, it just happened again. does anyone know what the heck could be goin on?
might have to do something with virtual ram settings… go to control panel > system > advanced > startup and recovery > and set ‘Write Debugging Information’ to none, then go back to advanced, open up the ‘Performance options’ and set the virtual ram to your RAM*1.5
i dunno if it’ll work, but i had similar issues and that seemed to fix it
yeah, there is that awful virus going around via e-mail…but since you already checked for viruses, it may or may not be that. hm…you sure you didn’t just hit the power button?
lol, once, perhaps, but twice?? i’m not that stoned. heheh.
d’ya know what the name of that virus is? and did norton update to catch it? hrm.
and thanks ahmed. :beam: im on it
Do you have an AMD processor?
If so, how long did you have your computer on before it shut down? As AMD processors get very hot in a short amount of time (my old AMD burned up in 2 seconds). The temperature is usually set to turn off the computer when it gets to hot (around 60-70 celsius), you can change this in the BIOS.
noh, i dont. i dunno, it hasnt happened again, maybe it was just a fluke. we’ll see. heheh. thanks dudes.
Yeah heat issues can cause that sort of thing… Did the PC restart or just shutdown? Sometimes Win2K and XP have a crashdump auto recover option, if yours is set to on then if the PC crashes it could auto restart the system…