i was cleaning my pool, an i took the dog out with me. When i called her, i couldnt find her, and she would not come to me. So i walked around to look for her, She was on the deck porch, sitting down on a plastic chair. Its not a fold out one either.
She is a black lab, and spoiled out of her mind. :P:P:P:P:P
We had the garage door opened one fall night, my dad just got in from work. The cat decides to lay right near the back wheel and goto sleep because it’s a warm source. My dad suddenly gets a hunger strike for Dunkin Donuts (Popular donut shop in Albany), he jumps in the car starts the engine, and as quick as my cat was, his waist down area got ran over. When my dad saw him, he said that he was still alive , but with his back legs moushed. So, we even had to scoop him up sort of, then put him to sleep at the vet.
That was like, when I was 9, never had a pet since.
dude, i got attached to that f’in thing you have no idea. he was a good little guy, except he crapped and peed everywhere, and he also chewed through my ethranet cord