
i went camping for a couple of hours to visit my brother and his girlfriend. So we decided to go out in the canoe. We where out really deep. I have never been in one before so i didnt know my limits. so i turned around to get my fishing pole. All of a sudden, we flipped over, and lost my tackle box, and my 2 poles. We had to dive down to get the tackle box and the poles.


what a night:P

lol that sucks, ive done that to myself in a kayak

camping for a couple of hours? so you didnt really camp? :trout:

now the canoe. HAHA! i would have loved to see that. :stuck_out_tongue: good job m8

good thing i didnt have my camera.

i went to visit my brother and his girlfriend. I have summer school tomorrow, :frowning:
