Bad Thing: You pay tens of thousands of dollars out in tuition to go to a university with a T3, only to have them block filesharing ports completely because they can't figure out how to solve the bandwidth problem bandwidthcapping. ** Dolor Value**: 1450.00
lol :P… nice link guig0 :beam:
A spider crawls INSIDE your keyboard and you have to finish typing this report 6.00
A keyboard climbs INSIDE your spider and your report has to finish typing you 6.00
haha… this is so retarded… im readin the whole thing through
you fart, but poo comes out instead 9.10
you fart but a watch comes out instead 9.10
you fart and Mr. Fuzzums, your long lost cat, comes out 9.10
you fart but australia comes out instead 9.10
you fart but the moon comes out instead 9.10