Half-life 2D screens (in development)

In a previous discussion about half-life and half-life 2, I mentioned half-life 2D, a Flash based 2D version of half-life (and probably more of half-life 2 as the levels are based off information and movies released on half-life 2).

Recently, http://www.city17.de came in and snaged a couple of screen shots of the game in progress - and this is not the game game but screens of the game being worked on in Flash, photoshop and ultraEdit (for coding) which gives some revealing info about its structure, how it was programmed and techniques in development, something some of you might find interesting. You can find the screens here:


You can also find screen shots of the game itself at the main website’s gallery.


I can’t wait to get halflife 2… This flat business is interesting.

yeah i am going to reserve hl2 man its gonna be so sweet. and then you got cs2 holla! this looks really cool too.

This is kinda being pushed as the fix for the wait until HL2… then again according to the most recent poll it looks like this (2D) is going to be delayed :sigh:

humph. I’m still waiting for Blizzard to make a sequel to my baby, StarCraft. :-\

yeah, a long over-due wait for that one =)

Indeed. StarCraft was total money. Still is.

star craft rocks, but i dont have the first disc :frowning: sucks i only have the expansion, lousy no goods, last time i loan them a game… grr…sry

anyway check out WC3 so sweet!

yeah I found my old starcraft box last week when I cleaned out the garage! =)

I just dunno where the cd is :frowning:


there is a starcraft sequel in the making. Starcraft ghost, kindoff a different approach to the starcraft universe. As it’s a first person sneak game (cfr splintercell).

Looks very cool though :slight_smile:

but its not starcraft :wink: Its just a game using the starcraft name :frowning:

Their current excuse is all about technology limitations :-\ Id be happier than a puppy with two peters if they simply made a new race for the current version, maybe upping the graphics a little with a higher res as an added bonus, though a new race along (xel naga?) would just make my day… and days to come.

euhm, it’s definatly starcraft. i’ve played c&c renegade and a shooter in a universe you know well can be quite a nice game.

though it will not be as much fun as a real starcraft. The technology limitations could be really good news…this probly means they are working on it, maybe only in an early design phase but still :D.

most likely starcraft 2 will be after starcarft ghost (and expansion? ) and world of warcraft are finnished, which is a little while i’m affraid :frowning:

its not starcraft :sure:

The game reminds of an arcade game I played a while ago - it’s a side scroller and the graphics look similar to this; the gameplay is very similar to Contra. I think it is one of those NeoGeo games.

Metal Slug? - not sure, but the game looks very similar to that :slight_smile:

EDIT: Yep: http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?letter=M&game_id=8675

  • t’is
  • t’is not
  • t’is
  • t’is not
  • t’is
  • t’is not
  • t’is
  • t’is not

best we avoid this right ;)… let’s just agree to dissagree

[SIZE=1]still is starcraft… nah [/SIZE] =)

StarCraft.truth = _root["its not"] * Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;



you’re lucky i’m to lazy to get my c++ book. ;)… ah maybe tomorrow

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**The game reminds of an arcade game I played a while ago - it’s a side scroller and the graphics look similar to this; the gameplay is very similar to Contra. I think it is one of those NeoGeo games.

Metal Slug? - not sure, but the game looks very similar to that :slight_smile:

EDIT: Yep: Metal Slug - Videogame by SNK **

ooo you’re right kirupa. I thought of contra when I first saw the screens (though I guess thats my initial reaction to any side scrolling shooter) but it looks to be very much in the style of metal slug.

… ya gotta love a camel thats packin’ :wink:

look, a cool mod for HL2

look! all these mods/news for Half-Life 2!!!

