is it really half life 2?, August 2, 2003
Reviewer: A gamer from England
Ok everybody, I’ve heard rumours that this isnt actually Half Life 2, it is actually half life 1, under a different name, and it has a few new enemies named ‘biozeminades’ which can make themselves look good, and you have to kill them with spray paint. Apparently, the half life 2 e3 video and trailer were made with frame by frame animation (so it is not the game) by Yago Zebadiah, who is from France. However, this half life 2(1) is still looking good, and i hope that the biozeminades are as good as people say they are
haven’t seen video’s really but i read what the physics engine is capable off…
though physics won’t be the best thing to the game… they are going to step off scripted events and leave almost everything to the AI. and what an AI it is.
the article i read said something bout freeman being hunted down by small aliens (cfr zerglings and the aliens from starship troopers). the aliens keep stalking you throughout the lvl, you can’t just run out of the room and expect to be safe like in (some) other games.
all of a sudden the aliens run away from freeman and go and hide. The player thinks he’s safe until he figures that they are scared of a bigger alien. He starts running towards the neerest house thinking it will stop the alien in it’s path. The alien storms through the wall continuing the chase until it’s distracted a little further by an apc with marines on patrol…
don’t know about you guys, but i can’t wait :thumb:
you can control the aliens too theres this pheromone stuff you can throw which attracts the aliens and lets you control where they run… effectively being able to tell them to go over where the bad guys (humans) are and take them out =)
The video is really amazing. Try to get a hold of it if you can.
I must say that i am more devoted to halflife 2 than any of u! It beats starcraft by a mile. I have every single hl2 demo there is and I am going to buy a $600 video card JUST to play it! None of u are that devoted 2 it i bet?
You cant really compare starcraft and HL. They’re two completely different genres. You’re better off comparing to Quake or Unreal (or actually other FPS since Q and UR seem more multiplayer-centric).
I dont know about that :-\ as much as I want to think it is. Mass attacks can still do it (though with the expansion and patches that has become less the case). A game with two crafty people, though, is where that (strat) becomes very much the case =)
*Originally posted by senocular *
**I dont know about that :-\ as much as I want to think it is. Mass attacks can still do it (though with the expansion and patches that has become less the case). A game with two crafty people, though, is where that (strat) becomes very much the case =) **
only drawback of starcraft, and warcraft… prone to rushes. but there hasn’t been a Rts yet that doesn’t have this problem.
Senocular i should indeed get hold of the movie, probly will to when i find the time