Halo... just finished

I only recently got an XBOX, and of course a copy of Halo to go with it - I just finished it today… that game is just so awesome. I am already drooling over part 2, can’t wait.



Halo was a good game. I just wished there were boss fights. That would’ve been cool.

What do you mean by finished it?

beat the game, ie destroyed the Ring, the Flood, etc.

thorpies I would have liked more variety in the covanent characters… they only had like three… those little guys, the medium ones and those kick *** “Hunters”. I am not such a fan of boss fights, but if there were only a few well placed ones, I think I could dig it.


I finished Halo not too long ago for the PC, and the game was great! My favorite part was the one section high up on the bridge where if you find a flying thing to fly in, you can avoid having to go through the tunnel and just finish the level sooner :slight_smile:

Have you finished it in Legendary? …cause that took me a while. Or, certain maps took me a while I should say.

My favorite Covenant were the Elites, especially those yellow one’s with the “swords.” :thumb:

And yes, I too am drooling over part 2. :drool:

I have not attempted on legendary. I’m sure that must be very difficult - at least on the PC. If I had an XBOX, I would definitely co-op on legendary, for I’m sure two or more players could better handle all of the tougher, smarter enemies :slight_smile:

My favorites where the elite flood units that dropped weapons after they died! I needed those weapons on the area where I had to find the Index.

Co-op is still pretty hard, because they also increase the number of Covenant and Flood and it seems like their aim is perfect… but I do agree with you, the Flood did carry good weapons i.e. shotgun.

the shotgun ruled! that was byfar my favorite weapon!

I loved how the flood would make those huge jumps through the air at you, but with the shotgun you could take aim and blow one of their arms off midflight! awesome.


Ryall, I meant what difficulty did you beat it on?

Lol, and then sometimes they would get back up after you shot em’ dead, so you thought.

My favorite weapon was the pistol… love the way it sounds (and shoots).

u can’t “finish” halo!1!!!

there is just so much replay value!!!

I beat it on all dificulties, and still play it with my friends (I got it when it first came out)

The game is jsut soooo fun!!!

The replay value is great for that game. There were moments where I was literally about to jump out of my seat and run with Master Chief to escape the flood :slight_smile:

halo ant that cool

My copy is also one of the original one’s that doesn’t say “Game of the Year” on it. Though I do have a new one also.

We used to hold Halo parties but we haven’t done that in a while. I think we’re gonna start doing that again to “refresh” our skills in preparation for Halo2. :wink:

Now do it on Legendary. Halo has the most replay value of any game I have ever played. That was the very first game I bought when xbox came out. And I stillplay it alot. Settle alot of arguments.

yeah Im gonna do it on legendary next…

and when I say finished, I dont mean finished playing it - ha! It is still soooo much fun to play, I really want to try co-op play, that sounds like fun.


in co op play you can you harm your teammate(s)?

Yes, sometimes I would stick a plasma grenade on my teammate by “accident.” :hugegrin:

Mine’s an original too! Woo hoo! This deserves a cult :sigh: Mines for PC

I beat it once on the second highest setting, and I haven’t played it again yet, but I have to say this:


I love the “I’m a maniac” value it has, the whole ability to run the gauntlet, I played that mission 15 times, and then I had to leave on a toilet break :love: I have the sudden hankering to play it again.