Hangman arrays prob! Help me, please!

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica][size=2]I’m making this hangman game (with a little help from friends…) where I want a word to appear in a dynamic text box which gives the user a **clue **as to what word they have to guess. Hope this makes sense…

e.g. The word they have to guess is World Wide Web so they receive Clue: www

Any idea how can do that clue thing?

This is the code I’m using in Frame 1:

_global.adPairs = [
['PC', 'Personal Computer'],
['AS', 'ActionScript'],
['RAM', 'Random Access Memory'], ['WWW', 'World Wide Web']
]; // etc.

function initGame(Void): String {
		// get phrase
		var rPair:Array = adPairs[Math.round(Math.random()*(adPairs.length-1))];
		// build display
		display = "";
		for(var i:Number = 0; i < rPair[1].length; i++) {
				// place characters
			    display += (rPair[1].charAt(i) == ' ') ? ' ' : '_';
function makeGuess(code) {
	// get the character that links to the key pressed
	letter = String.fromCharCode(code);

	// check to see whether it is a letter
	if (isAlpha(letter)) {

		// assume that the letter won't be found
		gotOne = false;

		// start building new display
		newDisplay = "";
		for(i=0;i<phrase.length;i++) {

			// see whether letters match
			if (phrase.charAt(i).toUpperCase() == letter.toUpperCase()) {

				// place letter in display text
				newDisplay = newDisplay + letter.toUpperCase();

				// note that at least one match has been found
				gotOne = true;

			} else {

				// not found, so display same character
				newDisplay = newDisplay + display.charAt(i) ;

		// show new display
		display = newDisplay;

		// if no match found, then add more to man
		if (!gotOne) {

			// see whether the man is done
			if (man._currentFrame == 8) {

		} else if (display == phrase.toUpperCase()) {
			// the display matches the original, game over
// utility to test whether a character is in A-Z
function isAlpha(letter) {
	// get character code
	n = letter.charCodeAt(0);

	// convert low case to upper case
	if (n > 90) n -= 32;

	// see whether it is in A-Z
	return ((n >= 65) and (n <= 90));

[/size][/font][font=verdana, arial, helvetica][size=2] Doesn’t seem to do much more than go to the end frame: You win!..very annoying, I’m clearly not doing this right…

Does anyone know what I need to do?[/size][/font]