I’m trying to make a little hangman game but I’ve run into a few problems…I’m hoping that maybe someone can give me an idea what to do.
I’ve had some help with the code below but that just left me even more confused!
I’m basically trying to give users a small clue as to what word it might be they have to guess.
_global.adPairs = [
['PC', 'Personal Computer'],
['AS', 'ActionScript'],
['RAM', 'Random Access Memory'], ['WWW', 'World Wide Web']
]; // etc.
function initGame(Void): String {
// get phrase
var rPair:Array = adPairs[Math.round(Math.random()*(adPairs.length-1))];
// build display
display = "";
for(var i:Number = 0; i < rPair[1].length; i++) {
// place characters
display += (rPair[1].charAt(i) == ' ') ? ' ' : '_';
function makeGuess(code) {
// get the character that links to the key pressed
letter = String.fromCharCode(code);
// check to see whether it is a letter
if (isAlpha(letter)) {
// assume that the letter won't be found
gotOne = false;
// start building new display
newDisplay = "";
for(i=0;i<phrase.length;i++) {
// see whether letters match
if (phrase.charAt(i).toUpperCase() == letter.toUpperCase()) {
// place letter in display text
newDisplay = newDisplay + letter.toUpperCase();
// note that at least one match has been found
gotOne = true;
} else {
// not found, so display same character
newDisplay = newDisplay + display.charAt(i) ;
// show new display
display = newDisplay;
// if no match found, then add more to man
if (!gotOne) {
// see whether the man is done
if (fox._currentFrame == 8) {
} else if (display == phrase.toUpperCase()) {
// the display matches the original, game over
// utility to test whether a character is in A-Z
function isAlpha(letter) {
// get character code
n = letter.charCodeAt(0);
// convert low case to upper case
if (n > 90) n -= 32;
// see whether it is in A-Z
return ((n >= 65) and (n <= 90));
If you know what to do I’d really appreciate it!