Happy Caption: Michael Jackson

“My family loves plastic surgery, even my baby!”

“Even though he was only 3 months old, the young hostage made a break for freedom, knowing that even possible death is preferable to one “tickle fight” with Michael”


And a voice from the croud said, “■■■■, ■■■■ dirty apes!”

LMAO!! :stuck_out_tongue:


“Ha ha ha! Now i have you my pretty!” do do do do do do do Deeee

  • like wizard of OZ

or this one…

“Billy Jean, You’re not my lover! You just a girl that said i was the one, But the Kid is not my son!”

HAHAHA, Raydreds second one is the best!

lol Thanks =) i am honored lol

Yea im always lurking in the back =)

But I couldn’t resist:

Michael Jackson without makeup…


The transformation is complete as Mrs Jackson births her first child as a woman

The transformation is complete as Mrs Jackson births her first child as a woman

LOL, so true! I wonder what he achieved by getting his entire persona changed. I don’t see his career doing any better. Anyhoo, he looks pretty scary. Kind of like one of the characters on Return of the Apes =)

Kirupa =)

Actual I find what Michael Jackson has become very sad. What kind of messed up stuff(edited my language for the forum) has to be going on in this guys head to pay to have this done to him self. He sure has falling far from what he was 20 years ago. Very Sad

If Micheal Jackson and Britney Spears had a kid, do you think it would be born with plastic parts?


69 posts…hehe

‘Michael shows off his most recent life partner. This photo was taken at the alter, shortly before michael lifted the vale. The honeymoon will take place at neverland ranch.’

Question: Am i sick for this caption, or is it all Michael’s fault?

no amount of psychiatry can save him now… and if you doubt that… then let me show you this again…

I think we should just let the king of pop do his thing, keep our children away from him, and wait for him to die. Then some creepy wack-job can buy his skeleton and put it on display in the foyer of a multi-billion dollar mansion…


You mean his <b>plastiken </b>

haha, apparently he was afraid of developing osteoparosis (spell check) in his attempts to become liz taylor, and decided to get his skeleton replaced, but neglected to go the adamantuim route, and instead replaced all of his delecate chalky bone structure with formed plastic created from discarded pieces of cher.


“discarded pieces of Cher”

thats funny stuff…