Has 2 b finished by wednesday...need feedback asap..ta

Hi all…

Any feedback welcome…


contact form doesn’t work yet…
still working on about page…
working on an intro…


ps: i know i have psted this before but i have changed a few things…

Hey Ben,
I think the Flash animation is great. There is really nothing that I find wrong with your animation. You could consider adding a small ambient sound loop, but that is optional. Cool transition effects btw!


Still nice, noticed only 2 thingys:
1/still no link on the guy’s mail in the contact part?!
2/all photos are entitled “untitled”?

And you DO like those pop-ups, dontcha? :slight_smile:


ya i do like these pop ups :lol: [ space managment is one of my weakest points ] …

and i haven’t recieved the names for the photos/paintings yet… slow artist or what :slight_smile:

i have till the new year to finish this as the guy didn’t get all the info to me in time…

cheerio, ben

i like the transitions from between the different sections… real slick.

Good job!

The colours look great together, not to mention the nice transition effects.

Keep it up!