Has anyone else noticed the new direction that Kirupa.com has been heading in...?

I’ve started dabbling with Fireworks, and I may start to write some tuts on that topic provided I have the time. I’m just waiting to write new stuff for Flash MX 2004, for my knowledge of other programs is too shaky to actually write in depth about :wink:

Nali - Windows would be a great topic to cover, but the problem is that it would involve completely shifting away from a design direction. Besides, there is so much to cover in areas like PHP and other topics that other sites have not yet done to death.

Most of the Windows things are just simple point and click…there is really nothing of value besides writing FAQs. I think Microsoft’s knowledge base has a vast documentation of FAQs and solutions representatives have given to most problems individuals have had. I do not think the site can offer anything unique in that respect.

Mdipi, what are some problems that you are seeing? The sections are not yet filled with the amount of content that sections like Flash have, but all of this new stuff is in the experimental phase. It takes a little bit of time to find the next great topic. Until then, I and others will continue to put up random articles in Web Technologies, etc. It is just that Flash is just a more natural topic for me, so most of my writings deal with that.

More recently, I have come up with the strange idea of possibly putting my entire book on FrontPage online with very minimal modification. Since its publication run is almost over, with permission from McGraw-Hill, copying and pasting substantial sections from my original Word Docs shouldn’t be too difficult. The book reads just like the tutorials on the site, so it won’t exactly be your typical - not another textbook online - type of article. More than likely, nobody will even notice it :slight_smile:

Hopefully an entire new section with about 25-50 tutorials could spring up overnight if I am given permission to do that. There are very few good-quality FrontPage sites, yet I know many people are curious about it judging by the number of e-mails I get.

These are just random ideas, but the life of sections on a site are similar to evolution. Some sections will survive and many will not. Only by creating numerous good sections can we pick out the great ones and make species out of them - kind of like the current species of Flash, ActionScript, Web Tech, Interviews, etc. :slight_smile:

There were numerous sections such as Flix, Swift, Drawing and Design, and others that slowly became extinct.


Does that mean a Drawing and Design Tutorial Section is out of the question…???

mlkdesign just did a [COLOR=red]metal in PhotoShop Tutorial[/COLOR] and I was considering doing one for my version of the light ray effect [URL=http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=293634][COLOR=red]seen here[/COLOR] along with an .atn (Action) I recorded while doing that.

Flash is what brought me here (still need help there:sigh:…The people have kept me here… :slight_smile:

I’ll do what I can to contribute…Expansion is a good thing !!!

No - if mlk wants to submit that tutorial to the site, sure that’ll be great. We can always use new sections, but we need the tutorials first. So no, it is not out of the question :slight_smile: D and D could very well stay.

D & D is going great… were u thinking of getting rid of it??

and perhaps you should make a section of the kirupa.com (not forums) where the tutorials are and get a collection of people to write photoshop tutorials?

Oh - I should clarify that I wasn’t referring to the D&D forum. There is (was) a section on the site called D&D, and that completely fell through the cracks :slight_smile:

There is an open policy when it comes to tutorials. If there is any design or web programming topic you want to write about, feel free to. It will find a place on the site. If we get about 15-20 tutorials in a related field, it may even get its own section on par with some of the more popular sections such as Flash MX, ActionScript, etc.

I would never consider taking the forum D&D out hehe.

Kirupa, when i said problems i was more or less refering to a member or two i am getting annoyed wiht, but he (they) are on my ignore list, a feture i had long forgot about, and now i am cool.

on the other hand, i got a few tutes that i got up on my site for PS7 that i wuold be glad to throw up into the tutes template and give them to you, as long as they can stay on my site, and i htink josh uses them too, so if there isnt a problem wiht that then i will be glad to submit those.

Is that tute template a FrontPage template…and is it available for download…???

What’s the procedure for submitting a template…???..Should it be posted in a forum before being considered for a tutorial?

I’m fairly new to Kirupaville, but I like the overall atmosphere and would like to contribute if I’m found to be worthy.
bows in admiration

Generally the best thing to do if you’ve written a tute is to email it to Kirupa (or another mod). Once it’s been checked out, it should get posted up.

There is a template somewhere, and I think it would work fine in either FrontPage or DreamWeaver. If you haven’t found it, don’t worry, it’s not too difficult to put it into the right format. :slight_smile:

Yeah - I’ll try to recreate the template to help everyone out :slight_smile:

EDIT: Mdipi that’ll be great. Tutorials that you wrote for the site can be used anywhere else also. I have no restrictions, and I should clarify that I guess. You can submit them to other sites like FK, etc. and I wouldn’t mind one bit =)

i’d willingly give my metal tutorial for kirupacom - and I could do more about PS extraction and masking techniques as well as preparing textures for 3d (right now i’ve made an ok-looking film negative with PS and C4D, check the attachement)

man, thats awesome… how did u become so good?

I like the lighting… Coupled with the transparency.