Has anyone noticed?

Has anyone noticed that lesser and lesser people are posting in the forums?


is that a question of quantity, or quality?


i dont think that’s true…

I’ve noticed! I’ve been posting lss lately too but that’s just because my bro got out of the military for a while and now I have to let him play counter-strike! :smirk:

I’ve been posting lesser because I’ve been trying to raise money for rings.

The bank lended it to me =) I’m going to pick up the rings RIGHT after school 2day :slight_smile:

maybe lairusi means the people which are posting are somewhat of a lesser kind?


Well, I don’t know if it’s a good thing, but I’m kind of a new member… Some go, others arrive. :stuck_out_tongue:

well… the definitive source would be kirupa… I wish he’d post some of his site stats.