Has anyone used this software b4?

I am posting this in DD because it has to do with drawing, hey lost or someone if you feel it needs to be in random go ahead and throw it there.

This program Toon Boom studio has been brought here a few times. www.toonboomstudio.com/main . It seems pretty cool thinking of trying it. But I wanted to know if anyone else has used it and what are your opinions of it. We are going to be doing an animation/novel for a client that will be dispersed on web and cd. This seems like an ideal solution.

Some of my friends have it and they like it, but then again they do a lot of animation projects. I’ve never really tried it, but I’m curious as well.

This thread is in the right place.

I have never used it either. I actually just heard about it like 2 weeks ago, I didn’t even know what it was.

the guys around here say its a really good program. but i dont know, i havent tried it yet, havent’ gotten my paws on it. (-: