
anyone know any good sites for toonboom?

Ermm… toonboom sounds kind of… umm… x rated…lol.

Can you please specify what toonboom really is?

Hey, living in Philly… you learn how to see everything as dirty… it is natural to me unfortunately.

Toonboomboom…lol. Does that help see what I was saying?


This is why we need to know what toonboom REALLY means… :slight_smile:

for the record, the phrase ‘toonboom’ sounds to me like it is the name of a cartoon **** site…and im nowhere near Philadelphia…

i guess that Korn with a ‘P’ is a filtered word around here… so just in case anybody thinks i was using another four letter word, i wasn’t… =)

toonboom studio v2=)

its a animation program, like flash only its more for animasion.
Ive joust tryed it out and its great. For makin cartoons.

I gues u can make som filthy stuff to, if u think the name is dirty=)

It renders i .swf so i posted it here, thinking some one might have tryied it out.


I only know their homesite. I’m not sure what sites have animations built with ToonBoom Studio. I’ve seen their promo video though, and it looks like a fantastic program to be using for cartoons.

geedogg, could you post a link of this toonboom site? I would like to check it out. Never tried animation before thought this would be interesting.

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**geedogg, could you post a link of this toonboom site? I would like to check it out. Never tried animation before thought this would be interesting. **

not more interesting than the lost-phil lunatic chat above :stuck_out_tongue:


hah! that was supposed to be “trash here @ KirupaVille” :stuck_out_tongue:

hehe yeah! we, sykos, are such sykos aren’t we? :P:)
they’re based in Quebec :elderly:

im testing it now, its realy nice, u have all the elements u make in a 3d enviroment so u dont have to tween an all that to make cool prspectivs

we sell it at the company i coop at :smiley: - havent had a chance to try it out yet tho. i have a demo movie on this computer, but too lazy to open it up to see whats going on with it.