Having a strange problem loading external SWF's (with transitions)

Ok, here’s the deal. I followed the tutorial on the [COLOR=#003366]**Transitions **[FONT=Verdana]**Between External SWFs - **http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx2004/transitions2.htm.

[COLOR=black]but ran into a strange problem, using Flash 8 btw, It works but doesn’t work correctly. See my buttons on the navigation have an instance behavior of a movie clip, for animating/functionality reasons, and inside the movie is a button with a script as follows: (to create an animating rollover)

[COLOR=red]on (rollOver) {gotoAndPlay(16);
on (rollOut) {gotoAndPlay(37);

now, when i add the "Tranistions between . . . " script for external SWF’s the transitions not only do not work but it will not load the external SWF’s into the container movie.

However, I created a normal button with behavior of a button just to see if that works, and it does . . . perfectly. I cannot figure out for the life of me why the button inside the movie clip doesn’t work, and the navigation buttons need to be a movie clip for animating reasons and need to have submenu’s that will rollout.

If Anyone can maybe help me out here, I will send you your favorite sweets in a basket +)