So i have looked at a lot of posts tryna get insight on how to do this but so far nothing . . . . I have an animation that i created in after effects, nothing to hard, just some icons going around in circles. so far it just plays in a continuos loop clockwise. what i would like it to do is when i hover over the left side of the SWF it reverses and plays (counter clockwise), the more i move to the left the faster it plays. . . . if i move to the right it plays clockwise, the more i move to the right the faster it plays. . . If i center my mouse on the swf is slows to a stop and i can select the icons to load the menu item. probably an external swf loaded into the main swf. . . Can someone guide me? I’d greatly appreciate it. I uploaded my FLA so you can check it out if you’d like. again, thanks in advance for all your help!