Kirupa perhaps it’s just me, but the header in the forum keeps disappearing as soon as you scroll down the site! =)
Well if you scroll down of course the header goes away!
Other than that… nope.
Yeh thanks lost! That’s not what I meant! Obviously, if you scroll down a page the top won’t show! It disappears for good! So that when I scroll up again it won’t appear! Got me now lost? =)
Hehe, I know what you mean.
I don’t experience that problem though. What browser are you using?
Unfortunately, IE on a mac!
Oh… I don’t run a Mac so I can’t test that. Sorry.
do you have a flash plug-in? that might be why. but other than that im not sure:sigh:
COME ON ALEX! Do you really think that I don’t have the flash plugin when I’m using FLASH MX! Do you know what forget that I mentioned it in the first place!
i didnt know. i really havent seen you around before. lol:stunned:
*Originally posted by Alex *
**i didnt know. i really havent seen you around before. lol:stunned: **
Cookie was formerly cookieme, maybe you will recognize that. Been around for a while.
ok, the name looks familiar. have you been in random?=)