Why does Kirupa's menu use Flash?

I was just thinking, the Kirupa banner (menu) uses flash and I see absolutly no point why. If you are going to use flash at least put some effects or something I mean god u can do that in html just as easily and save us some load time :slight_smile:

how tactfully put…

so let me get this straight…

You are posting on one of the most friendly forums dedicated to Flash, and that is what you choose to focus upon?

Thanks for the input, I’ll pass it along.

I’m gonna make sure to ask you to write my next SOTW critique. I can see you have a way with words


The header and the footer combined only adds up to 10kb so what load time are you talking about?

must have dialup and a 32kbps modem rotflmao

I have made the header before in Flash and it is tiny, and this way you may change it all every page with one ftp edit, you could use an iframe but hey, were Flash people, we are going to use it.

Minority Report Quote Edited: “The Kirupa is perfect, it has no errors”


Grim: I have dial-up 24 kbps and it is fast. I almost got the slowest connection award once because I used to have 5 kbps a sec, but this dude beat me close where I live, be got 3 kbps.

I didn’t mean to offend u guys. I just wanted to know why kirupa used flashed for the header and footer. I just didn’t seen the pimp. Thanks you datapimp for not getting pissed and explained it to me.

I guesss ur supposed to be reaallllyyy gentil on this site. Sorry

It’s a valid question…The reason I made it in Flash is, at that time, I wanted people to be able to create newer and better styles. If you look in your user options, you will find that there are numerous styles for you to choose from.

From a logistical point of view, keeping the header and footer in Flash would make it easier for me to update. There would be no need for me to mess with HTML and wonder why certain browsers couldn’t display the text at that size or whether the slanted edge in the blue style will reproduce correctly in older browsers.

Keeping it Flash also made it hopefully easier for all the people who created styles to modify and edit easily. It is a lot easier to change the font color, backgrounds, etc. in a Flash banner than it is for a HTML/CSS combination - which more than likely many people here may not know!

Hope that answered your question :smiley:

*Originally posted by mlkedave *
**I guesss ur supposed to be reaallllyyy gentil on this site. Sorry **

re read your first post, as if you don’t know who you are, and what tone of voice you are using…

…then you can see why you got flamed a bit…

no harm tho, right?


Ya know… I do have problems loading the header and footer on my friend’s mac though… And he has a good cable connection?

lol… Just thoguht I’d bring this up in here… Mac OS9… if that helps… Flash Components installed and everything.

hmmm i will check that out as well on my ibook mac os 9.2 and psot the comments tomorow since i dont wanna get that piece o junk out of my cars trunk now its raining lol

What version of the Flash player does your friend have installed playa?

Flash Player 7 as far as I remember… And if not that.> then it’s definetly 6… because I installed that in there myself.

yeah same, used a mac computer at work with os9 and flash 7, there is something about flash and its memory usage that makes it run so slow, i too had slow load up times for the main page, but from then i started just jumping into the forums (www.kirupaforums.com) straight away instead of going through via the home page.

Yeah… I know what you mean soul…

Do you have any problems with seeing that go button on the main page stretching? it seems to want to streettccchh for me…

cold all clared and dont hurt me. are i well sick:toad: on u

Umm… Why are you posting this here? I don’t know Ultrashock… And right now… I don’t really care for it…

The fact that Kirupa has made me an only member, meaning that I don’t NEED to go out and look at other boards, should prove that this is the number 1 site. :slight_smile:

i got yer back there budd lets smash this little mario guy :evil: lmao