Heads or Tails

Which side is the top!?

Say what you think, and maybe why.

My opinion is Heads is the top. (these examples are based on canadian coins, but are basically the same as U.S.)
-It shows the monarch (Current Queen or King)
–For U.S. that’d be pres. I guess
-It identifies the year and country
-It is basically the same on all coins.


am I right?
am I?
c’mon. the suspence is killing me.
or is… uh, side? right side? left side? c’mon!

:-\ hard question…i´ll have to get back to ya on that…

somebody mangled my post by putting some sort of picture in it! and it was a moderator! AAAAAAAAAAAAH.

… thanks phil.

no, no, you should edit my posts more often.
It’ll be funny. Like pineapples.